Welcome to The Superpowered Launch Success!
You learn to control the taps:
- Creating your signature list building event…
- Have your own amazing audience who adore you for you…
- Sell products that fit around your schedule…
Live Class Tuesday @ 12pm-1:30pm PST
Office Hours Thursdays @ 12:30pm-1:30pm PST
Signing up does not create the transformation...
SHOWING UP creates the transformation!
Here's ALL the links that you will need
Zoom Link for LIVE Trainings & Office Hours - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86291505058?pwd=cVJBc2ZqbTAxbit4ZG1PVWhsRi8vZz09
Thinkific - All of your course content (e.g., on-demand trainings, workbooks, recordings of live trainings and office hours) lives here
Coming soon...